The influence of the sign of the ruble

In the table there is a new Unicode currency symbols, in particular, the sign of the ruble.

We can easily insert the token indicating its present character, with the use of plug-in fonts, such as "PT Sans" and indicating the character code ₽.

Unfortunately, there is no information anywhere about how this symbol is interpreted by search engines and affects the position of the site.

This SEO test is intended for the decision of daily tasks.

The test consists of 4 identical pages with a pseudo product "the sign of the ruble", which you can buy for 1000 rubles. Pages differ only in the spelling: "RUB", "RUB", "R" and "a long way".

The results of the test for Yandex:

  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 rubles
  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 rubles
  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 ₽
  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 p

The results of the test for Google:

  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 ₽
  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 rubles
  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 rubles
  • Buy sign of the ruble for 1000 p
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